Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Splitting the Sky vs Bush in Calgary

George W. Bush gets his day in court! STS vs. Bush trial goes forward

Judge Manfred Delong Meets Splitting the Sky
Joshua Blakeney
Media Coordinator of Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge

Today the trial of Splitting the Sky commenced. Splitting the Sky attempted a citizens' arrest on credibly accused war criminal George W. Bush on March 17, 2009, and was arrested and jailed for doing so by police. Try as its representatives might to disguise their motivations with the kind PR spin doctoring we witnessed in the court today, the Calgary Police, the RCMP and its contractors were under the Harper government's strict political orders to protect the Alberta home turf of the current minority government that came to power as the holder of the Bushite franchise in Canada. Some have termed this historic proceeding as "The Trial of Splitting the Sky versus George W. Bush." From what I witnessed firsthand on day one, the government attempt to manage this highly volatile convergence of law and politics was an exciting affair.

The morning's proceedings were mostly filled with the testaments of the policemen involved in protecting Bush and arresting STS. Amazingly, when one of the policeman was asked why he had arrested the Mohawk activist, the official contended that he “was protecting STS” from Bush's henchmen. He went on to say that Bush's protectors carry “lethal weapons” and that they would in all have used them to kill the accused man. Rather than seek further information on Bush's private-Blackwater-style militia, the lawyers on both sides of the case passed over this startling revelation.

The presiding magistrate, Judge Manfred Delong, initially appeared, in my view, to be siding with the Crown prosecutor against STS's lawyer, Charles Davison. Davison's initial submission asked the court to allow for a distinction between “Obstructing a Police Officer” and “Preventing a Police Officer from Performing his Duty.” Davison's argument was disallowed by Judge Delong. From that point on, Mr. Davison appeared to be improvising in a defence on which the hopes of many in the anti-war activists are riding.

Certainly the turning point of the day came when STS took the stand to testify in his usual flamboyant, surprising and erudite manner. STS reminded the court that it was the same laws which the minority government eschewed vis-a-vis Bush which were invoked to keep British peace activist George Galloway MP out of Canada last March. STS opined: “All Galloway had been doing was bringing medical aide to Palestinians in Gaza, 2000 of whom Israel had massacred, but they barred Galloway from Canada using the same laws which they should have used to ban George W. Bush.”

READ MORE http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2010/03/george-w-bush-gets-his-day-in-court-sts.html

(We are hoping for a call-in update on the trial during my radio show today. And you can listen to Saturday's interview with Splitting-the-Sky, Anthony Hall, and Joshua Blakeney here. - Kevin Barrett)

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